Home Musica Musica ∼ Opinioni Van Halen, live report e gallery esclusiva del concerto a Tampa

Van Halen, live report e gallery esclusiva del concerto a Tampa

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di Vicki DiAddezio

Domenica 13 settembre, i Van Halen sono tornati a Tampa, Florida, dove si sono esibiti al MidFlorida Credit Union Anfiteatro. Fortunatamente per i fans, la pioggia, che è ormai diventata quasi un’abitudine estiva quotidiana in Florida quest’anno, ha cessato di cadere in tempo per lo spettacolo.

I Van Halen sono saliti sul palco con una scaletta eseguita da David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen, e il figlio di Eddie, il 24enne Wolfgang Van Halen. Di solito noi fotografi abbiamo il permesso di fare foto solo durante le prime tre canzoni, ma i Van Halen sono stati generosi, e hanno concesso di rimanere per ben sei brani.

Durante queste sei canzoni, abbiamo potuto godere da vicino dell’esibizione di Dave, della performance alla chitarra di Eddie, del potente drumming di Alex, e  di un’esibizione degna di nota da parte di Wolfgang, che sicuramente ha reso orgoglioso il suo papà.

David Lee Roth è da sempre famoso per essere un uomo di spettacolo e di certo non ci ha delusi. Indossava più strati di vestiti, che ha tolto in tempi diversi, per dare al pubblico varietà anche nell’abbigliamento. Durante le prime canzoni è inciampato o scivolato, e ha fatto temere di essersi fatto male sul serio, fino a quando non ha gridato ” ho fatto come Steven Tyler”[che è caduto sul palco ndr] e scherzando sul fatto che  “Questo scivolone vi è offerto da Budweiser!”

L’energia e la chimica sul palco erano elettrizzanti  e ciò spiega il perchè i Van Halen abbiano fans fedelissimi da oltre 40 anni. Se non li avete mai visti dal vivo, dovreste assolutamente aggiungere un loro concerto alla lista dei live da vedere.

Prima dei Van Halen, a scaldare il palco con un set di 45 minuti, Kenny Wayne Sheppard.

Van Halen’s set list 

    Light Up the Sky
    Runnin’ With the Devil
    Romeo Delight
    Everybody Wants Some!!
    Drop Dead Legs
    Feel Your Love Tonight
    Somebody Get Me a Doctor
    She’s the Woman
    China Town
    I’ll Wait
    Drum Solo
    Little Guitars
    Dance the Night Away
    Beautiful Girls
    Women in Love
    Hot for Teacher
    In a Simple Rhyme
    “Dirty Movies”
    Ice Cream Man
    Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
    Guitar Solo (Spanish Fly, Little Guitars…  )
    You Really Got Me 

Per vedere anche le foto dello show di Kenny Wayne Shepherd www.facebook.com/vickidphotograph


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by Vicki DiAddezio


On Sunday September 13, 2015 Van Halen returnded to Tampa, FL where they performed to a packed venue, at the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater. Fortunately for the droves of fans, the rain, that has become an everyday part of the summer in FL this year, cleared out in time for the show.

They hit the stage with the lineup that was almost a total family affair with David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen, and Eddie’s son, 24 year old Wolfgang Van Halen. Typically as a photogrpaher we only get to cover the first three songs of a show. Van Halen, however, was generous in allowing us to cover the first six songs of the night. 

During those six songs, we were able to observe a most entertaining Diamond Dave, the masterful guitar skills of Eddie, the solid drumming of Alex, and a noteworthy performance by Wolfgang on bass that surely made his dad proud. David Lee Roth has always been known as a showman and he certainly didn’t disappoint. He was wearing several layers, which he removed at different times, to provide the crowd with a variety in his attire. At one point early on, he took a tumble. He either tripped or slipped and he just played it off as if it were no big deal. He kept on singing and at one point claimed that he “pulled a Steven Tyler” and then joked by stating, “That fall was brought to you by Budweiser!”

The energy and chemistry on stage was electrifying and it was a true testament as to why Van Halen has had such loyal and beloved fans for more than 40 years. If you have never seen them live, you should definitely add a Van Halen to your list of must see concerts.

Kenny Wayne Sheppard and his band kicked off the night with a 45-minute set to get the crowd warmed up for the main event. 
Van Halen’s set list consited of…

    Light Up the Sky
    Runnin’ With the Devil
    Romeo Delight
    Everybody Wants Some!!
    Drop Dead Legs
    Feel Your Love Tonight
    Somebody Get Me a Doctor
    She’s the Woman
    China Town
    I’ll Wait
    Drum Solo
    Little Guitars
    Dance the Night Away
    Beautiful Girls
    Women in Love
    Hot for Teacher
    In a Simple Rhyme
    “Dirty Movies”
    Ice Cream Man
    Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
    Guitar Solo (Spanish Fly, Little Guitars…  )
    You Really Got Me 

Enjoy the photos from the beginning of the show. They will give you a small glimpse of how amazing it was in person. 
For more photos of Kenny Wayne Shepherd visit… www.facebook.com/vickidphotograph



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